User eXPerience solutions

The data is all that is the case

That's it. If you want to make a decision on anything other than your own subjective impressions, gather data. A lot or a little, it's better than just reaching out, blindly. But how reliable is your data? I've taught scientific method, statistics, and the assessment of user experience since the start of the 1980s. I've had some brilliant students and many inspirational colleagues. In the end, you realise, the answers you get are equal to the questions you ask.

What's here?

This is the starting place for the questionnaires and other resources my students and colleagues and I have accumulated over the years when I was the Director of the Human Factors Research Group and a Senior Lecturer in the School of Applied Psychology, all at University College Cork, Ireland.

If you're a student, teacher, or post-doc researcher you may apply for an Academic Licence for SUMI and WAMMI. See the pages for details of this offer.


Please note:

for GIAS you have to contact the questionnaire owner by email
for academic SUMI and WAMMI go to the home page and follow the 'academic users' link
for commercial WAMMI and general WAMMI background go the the page

So for now...

Sites in transition, for ever in development as always... more anon.

Contact Jurek Kirakowski, for more information.